Wu, YongQiang

YongQiang Wu
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter

Curriculum Vitae

since 2019 Present PhD student, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Preliminary title: „ Honeybee communication and learning in human-modified landscapes: proximate mechanisms and ultimate consequences”
2017 - 2019 M.Sc., Jilin University, China
Thesis: „ Contribution of Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase CYP6CY14 to Thiamethoxam Resistance and its Transcriptional Regulation Mechanism in Aphis gossypii Glover “
2013 – 2017 B.Sc., Jilin University, China
Thesis: „ Studies of Transcriptional Regulation of Transcription Factors AhR/ARNT Pathway Involved in Myzus persicae CYP6CY3 by RNAi “


PhD Project

Honeybees arguably possess one of the most sophisticated forms of social information transmission in the animal world, the waggle dance. This ritualised behaviour is performed inside the hive by foragers returning from a high quality food source or a nest site. A dancing bee provides nestmates with information about the location and odour of a resource to other bees. Followers need to follow several waggle runs to acquire precise spatial information. However, not all foragers decode waggle dances to find food sources. Bees will often either search for food by individual exploration or rely on past foraging experiences and return to known locations. These and other results demonstrate that honeybee foragers are, to some degree, flexible in their use of social information.

Several recent studies performed with honeybees have tried to quantify the benefits of spatial waggle dance communication at both the colony and individual level. This was done by disrupting the orientation of the directional component of the waggle dance, thereby creating disoriented dances that no longer point to a specific location. Interestingly, dance communication did not increase colony foraging success in the majority of environments tested. A more controlled study performed in a human-modified environment found that, strikingly, colonies without dance information were more successful than colonies with normal dances. The results of this study also suggest that foragers in the disoriented treatment learned that the dances were of low informational value and reduced their use of dance information over the course of the experiment. Like in other studies in temperate, human-modified habitats colonies struggled to find enough food during the summer months. Combined, the results raise the possibility that the dance language is not well adapted to some human-modified environments.


Wu, Y., Xu, H., Pan, Y., Gao, X., Xi, J., Zhang, J., & Shang, Q. (2018). Expression profile changes of cytochrome P450 genes between thiamethoxam susceptible and resistant strains of Aphis gossypii Glover. Pesticide biochemistry and physiology, 149, 1-7.

Pan, Y., Tian, F., Wei, X., Wu, Y., Gao, X., Xi, J., & Shang, Q. (2018). Thiamethoxam Resistance in Aphis gossypii Glover Relies on Multiple UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases. Frontiers in Physiology, 9, 322.

Pan, Y., Chai, P., Zheng, C., Xu, H., Wu, Y., Gao, X., Xi, J., & Shang, Q. (2018). Contribution of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase CYP380C6 to spirotetramat resistance in Aphis gossypii Glover. Pesticide biochemistry and physiology, 148, 182-189.

Peng, T., Pan, Y., Yang, C., Gao, X., Xi, J., Wu, Y., ... & Shang, Q. (2016). Over-expression of CYP6A2 is associated with spirotetramat resistance and cross-resistance in the resistant strain of Aphis gossypii Glover. Pesticide biochemistry and physiology, 126, 64-69.